Claims Workshop

Topics and Speakers

Liability, Property and Workers’ Compensation Programs:

Legislative Changes that Impact Your Programs

  • Your Risk Management Fund Legislative Consultants, Robert Kamm, Jocelyn Dabeau, and Pam Beachley will be on hand to review key changes from the 86th Legislative session that impact your programs.
  • TCRMF and TWCARMF Program Executive, Greg Womack, will lead the discussion on how those changes may impact your processes or create new exposures.

Liability Program:
Tort Claims Act – Litigation Landmines

  • Mr. Joel Geary, Shareholder, with Vincent, Serafino, Geary, Waddell, Jenevin, P.C. will walk members through actual cases to highlight the life of a claim covered under the Tort Act and identify what members may or may not be doing that impacts claims. He will review the importance of assigning a member point person for a claim and how they can effectively engage in litigation claims.

Workers’ Compensation Program:
Is it covered? – Questions of Course and Scope

  • Mike Donovan, Partner with Burns, Anderson, Jury & Brenner, L.L.P. will help members identify what qualifies under the course and scope of employment to be eligible for Worker’s Compensation coverage.

Property Program:
Conducting Motor Vehicle Accident Investigations and Best Practices Post Accident

  • Jeremy Wade, Loss Control Consultant for TCRMF and TWCARMF will review the key components of an effective accident investigation to help members prevent the reoccurrence of incidents.
  • Micheon Balmer, Director of Pool Management for TWCARMF will review the Top 5 Post Accident Best Practices that members should consider that may impact the length of their claims as well as claims costs.

Liability, Property and Workers’ Compensation Programs:

Ask the Fund

  • Greg Womack, Program Executive for TCRMF and TWCARMF will lead a question and answer session about coverages, programs, and claims. What do YOU want to know?


Crowne Plaza Austin, 6121 North IH-35, Austin, Texas 78752

Reservations: 1-800-227-6963 or 512-323-5466.  Ask for the Texas Council Claims Workshop conference room block.

The Deadline for reservations at the discounted rate ($129 single/$129 double) is Tuesday, August 27, 2019.

Who should attend?

Fund member employees who handle claims, those who are accountable for claims handling employees, and risk management employees with a focus on claims and accident investigation.

The registration fee is:

  • No cost for each representative of Fund members
  • Available only to Fund member representatives


The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. and conclude by 3:00 p.m. Full breakfast and lunch are included.  Breakfast will begin at 7:30 a.m.






Contact Kathy Hulse at the Fund, 800-580-8922 (ext. 12420) or email [email protected]