2020 Risk Management Seminar - October 20, 2020

2020 Risk Management Seminar - October 20, 2020

The TWCARMF Risk Management Seminar will be held on October 20, 2020, in conjunction with the TWCA Conference.

The sessions will be held online this year. Please register to attend this event using this link: REGISTRATION

This link will work for both sessions.


  • Session #1:The Current Cyber Threat Environment and How to Stay Safe presented by Karen A. Monsen of Caldwell, East, and Finlayson
  • Session #2:Smart Ways to Survive Difficult People presented by Timm Johnson, TWCARMF Member Services Manager, and Dan Hernandez, TWCARMF Risk Control Manager


Session #1 (10:00 AM) 

The Current Cyber Threat Environment and How to Stay Safe will cover the threats to cybersecurity in the current environment and the potentially catastrophic consequences of poor cybersecurity.  Ms. Monsen will discuss recent breaches, the consequences of breaches, and ways to prevent them.  Through her practice, she has helped many clients deal with the aftermath of cyber breaches, recovery, notification, and implementation of better barriers and procedures.

Session #2 (1:00 PM)

Smart Ways to Survive Difficult People. 

With all the changes 2020 has brought us, one factor hasn’t changed; difficult people.  Whether working in a traditional office setting or from a distance, difficult people can test your professionalism, your morale, and even your sanity!  Join us for a brief, candid discussion about challenging behaviors and develop understanding and strategies to lessen the negative impact on the workplace and you personally.

Objectives of the session:

  • Review some of the most common difficult workplace behaviors and personalities
  • Understand the effect these behaviors have on you and your culture
  • Discuss strategies to reduce their influence
  • Evaluate what you can and can’t do to influence behavior and make a positive impact


Contact Kathy Hulse at the Fund, 800-580-8922 (ext. 12420) or email [email protected]